
(because your goals need a strategy)

Nestled at the heart of your goals is the vision of who you must become in order to achieve them

I developed the Blueprint method when I realized that no amount of vision-boarding, annual resolutions, SMART goals or fancy planners would effectively transition purpose-driven people where we are to where we want to be.

Our goals need a strategy. That’s the simple truth. Blueprint guides us through the year ahead by bringing structure to our forward momentum while balancing life’s natural ebbs and flows.  

Blueprint is your strategy for personal evolution. It is a process that helps us reimagine our goals not as achievements that check a box, but rather as the alignment of intentional action. We could all use a framework to discover the practices that both create space for transformation and replace old patterns that serve as barriers to growth.

On a personal note, Blueprint has been the secret behind my work of successfully unlocking over $75 million in non-dilutive capital to support a diverse portfolio of social impact ventures and initiatives. It was also key to navigating existential business setbacks, such as a 98% loss in revenue during the global pandemic. Indeed over the years, other Blueprint practitioners have experienced similarly transformative results.

If you’re at a stage in your life journey where your self identity is anchored to more than external achievements, resume-builders or check-the-box awards, then Blueprint may be for you. 

What makes Blueprint unique and, in my opinion, extraordinarily valuable, is how it creates a flexible framework to help us fully embrace deep awareness, radical honesty and self-accountability— all essential competencies that we need to truly thrive. 

If this resonates with you, follow the instructions below to reserve your seat. Registration is limited to 20 participants only across four (4) person small group and individual sessions:

Register Now

Blueprint strategy retreats are available in small group or solo sessions. Please use the appropriate form below to confirm your slot.

Small Group


The Details

  • Blueprint is a bespoke experience facilitated in a small group or 1:1 setting.

    Participants leave with a flexible framework for their annual goals and empowered by a new set of personal practices and tools to stay focused when life seems to get in the way.

  • Every weekend in January. Registration is open and limited to 20 participants only across four (4) person small group and individual sessions.

    Group retreats take place on Saturday and Sunday, while Solo retreats take place on Fridays.

  • We need 6-8 hours to work through your Blueprint for the upcoming year. Group sessions take place of two (2) full days from Saturday through Sunday, which Solo 1:1 session take place on Friday).

    Each retreat session runs from 9AM - 2PM. Don’t worry, we leave ample time for breaks, including a healthy lunch and plenty of nourishing snacks!

  • $1750 per person for small group sessions. $2000 per person for 1:1 sessions. A deposit of $500 is required to secure your seat.

    Payment plans are available and for select participants, limited scholarships may be given. Learn more

  • In-person in Miami, Florida.

    Contact us for organizational or corporate retreat options.

  • You will receive your session workbook, either physically or electronically, in advance of your selected retreat day.

    Additionally, to get prepared to maximize your Blueprint retreat experience:

    1. Take a few moments to think about where you want to be in the year ahead and why.

    2. Consider reflecting on what has stopped you in the past from reaching your goals or currently stands in the way of your growth.

  • What makes the Blueprint retreat magical is the energy of real time feedback and engagement with others as we refine our vision and goals for the year ahead. Therefore, our sessions are hosted in-person.

    However, we are both mindful and respect varying levels of comfort to gather in person, even in a small cohort of 4-6 people. Therefore, ALL participants must be fully vaccinated (and ideally have received a booster).

  • Need more information? Feel free to contact a member of our team.

    Review our Terms + Conditions for specific participation details.